Margaretha Kahi Timba, Pramono Sasongko, Budi Santosa


Cake is a cake made from a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, salt, aroma, and fat which is developed with or without the developer's ingredients. This study aims to determine the proportion of wheat flour and yellow sweet potato flour as well as the proportion of blondo and margarine in cake making. The research design used was a factorial randomized block design with 2 replications. The first factor is the proportion of wheat flour and yellow sweet potato flour with 3 levels of treatment and the second factor is the proportion of blondo and margarine with 4 levels of treatment. The best treatment for making yellow sweet potato cakes the method of effectiveness in the treatment of 50% flour, 50% sweet potato, 40% blondo, and 60% margarine with a total yield (NH) 0.825. with the meter moisture content 4.35%, ash content 4.33%, protein content 17.51%, texture content 30.26%, taste 4.05 (likes), aroma 3.90 (neutral), color 3, 83 (likes).

Cake adalah kue yang terbuat dari campuran adonan dari tepung, gula, telur, garam, aroma, dan lemak yang dikembangkan dengan atau tanpa bahan pengembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proporsi tepung terigu dan tepung ubi jalar kuning serta proporsi blondo dan margarin pada pembuatan cake. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola faktorial dengan 2 kali ulangan. Faktor pertama yaitu proporsi tepung terigu dan tepung ubi jalar kuning degan 3 taraf perlakuan dan faktor kedua yaitu degan proporsi blondo dan margarin dengan 4 taraf perlakuan. Perlakuan terbaik pembuatan cake ubi jalar kuning diperoleh pada perlakuan yaitu tepung terigu 50%, ubi jalar 50%, blondo 40%, dan margarin 60% dengan total nilai hasil (NH) 0.825. dengan para meter kadar air 4,35%, kadar abu 4,33%, kadar protein 17,51%, kadar tekstur 30,26%, rasa 4,05(suka), aroma 3,90 (netral), warna 3,83 (suka).


Tepung Terigu; Tepung Ubi Jalar Kuning; Blondo; Cake


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