Kontrasepsi suntik DMPA merupakan alat kontrasepsi berisi hormone progesterone dan tidak mengandung estrogen. Daya kerja kontrasepsi DMPA 150 mg setiap 3 bulan dan merupakan dosis yang tinggi. Setelah suntikan 150 mg DMPA, ovulasi tidak akan terjadi untuk minimal 12 minggu. Sekitar 56% calon akseptor lebih memilih menggunakan alat kontrasepsi tersebut, hal ini disebabkan karena faktor pengetahuan yang kurang sehingga mempengaruhi keefektifan dalam penggunaan kontrasepsi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan akseptor tentang alat kontrasepsi dengan pemilihan kontrasepsi suntik DMPA. Populasinya adalah akseptor di Poskesdes Kertagenah Laok, Kecamatan Kadur, Kabupaten Pamekasan sebanyak 115 calon akseptor. Tehnik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling didapatkan sampel sebanyak 38 akseptor. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dengan teknik analisa data menggunakan chi-square. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar = 0,05 dan df=1, dengan demikian Ho ditolak yang artinya ada hubungan pengetahuan akseptor tentang alat kontrasepsi dengan pemilihan alat kontrasepsi suntik DMPA di Poskesdes Kertagenah Laok Kecamatan Kadur Kabupaten Pamekasan dengan sebagian besar (60%) akseptor tidak tau tentang alat kontrasepsi dan setengahnya (50%) memilih menggunakan alat kontrasepsi suntik DMPA. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu pendidikan, lingkungan dan imformasi yang kurang memadai.
DMPA injection contraception is a contraceptive device that contains progesterone hormone and does not contain estrogenhormone. The work of DMPA injectable contraceptionis 150 mg every 3 months, this is high dosage. After injection of 150 mg DMPA, ovulation will not occur for at least 12 weeks. And about 56% acceptor candidates prefer use contraception, this is due to a lack of knowledge factor so that influence the effectiveness of contraceptive use. In this study, the researcher used analytic observationby using cross sectional approach since the purpose was to know the relationship between acceptors’ knowledge about contraception and selection of DMPA injectable contraception.The population was 115 acceptorsby using purposive sampling in taking sample as many as 38 candidates based on specific characteristics of acceptors. The data collection in this study used questionnaire with data analysis by using chi-square. The results obtained in this study was by using chi-square SPSS statistic analysis (a=0.05 and df=1). Thus, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted meaning that there is relationship between acceptors’ knowledge about contraception and DMPA injectable contraception selection at Kertagenah Laok Poskesdes, Kadur District, Pamekasan Regency, where most acceptors (60%) do not know about contraception and half acceptors (50%) choose DMPA injectable contraception. This is influenced by several factors: education, environment, and inadequate information.
Keywords : DPMA injection contraception; selection; knowledge.
DMPA injection contraception is a contraceptive device that contains progesterone hormone and does not contain estrogenhormone. The work of DMPA injectable contraceptionis 150 mg every 3 months, this is high dosage. After injection of 150 mg DMPA, ovulation will not occur for at least 12 weeks. And about 56% acceptor candidates prefer use contraception, this is due to a lack of knowledge factor so that influence the effectiveness of contraceptive use. In this study, the researcher used analytic observationby using cross sectional approach since the purpose was to know the relationship between acceptors’ knowledge about contraception and selection of DMPA injectable contraception.The population was 115 acceptorsby using purposive sampling in taking sample as many as 38 candidates based on specific characteristics of acceptors. The data collection in this study used questionnaire with data analysis by using chi-square. The results obtained in this study was by using chi-square SPSS statistic analysis (a=0.05 and df=1). Thus, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted meaning that there is relationship between acceptors’ knowledge about contraception and DMPA injectable contraception selection at Kertagenah Laok Poskesdes, Kadur District, Pamekasan Regency, where most acceptors (60%) do not know about contraception and half acceptors (50%) choose DMPA injectable contraception. This is influenced by several factors: education, environment, and inadequate information.
Keywords : DPMA injection contraception; selection; knowledge.
Kontrasepsi suntik DMPA; Pemilihan; Pengetahuan.
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Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. 2003. Pendidikan dan Prilaku Kesehatan. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
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