Damaris Arista Lende, Tanto Hariyanto, Vita Maryah Ardiyani


Lansia merupakan konsekuensi tahap akhir siklus hidup manusia dari proses kehidupan yang tidak dapat dihindarkan dan akan di alami oleh setiap individu. Pada tahap ini, individu mengalami banyak perubahan baik secara fisik khususnya kemunduran dalam berbagai fungsi dan kemampuan yang pernah dimilikinya khususnya fungsi dan kemampuan sendi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Perbedaan Fleksibilitas Sendi Sebelum dan Sesudah Melakukan Latihan Gerak Sendi Pada Lansia di Posyandu Permadi Rw 02 Kelurahan Tlogomas Malang. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimental. Populasi sebanyak 50 lansia dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling sebanyak 30 lansia. Hasil penelitian didapatkan sebanyak 5 orang lansia yang mengalami keterbatasan gerak dan kelemahan fisik 3 orang tidak mengikuti kegiatan senam yang dilaksanakan setiap hari dan tidak melakukan latihan untuk memperbaiki keadaannya, 2 orang yang kurang mampu melakukan latihan fisik atau olahraga karena sakit dan lemah. Hasil uji statistik diketahui bahwa nilai p-value sebesar 0,0001 (α < 0,05), artinya hipotesis diterima. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah adanya perbedaan kemampuan gerak sendi sebelum dan sesudah melakukan latihan gerak sendi di Posyandu Lansia Parmadi RW 02 Kelurahan Tlogomas Malang. Rekomendasi penelitian selanjutnya yaitu masih perlu melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan membandingkan perbedaan fleksibilitas sendi lansia di Posyandu Parmadi dengan mengambil populasi dan sampel yang lebih besar dengan variabel yang lebih dikembangkan.


The elderly is a consequence of the final stage of the human life cycle of the inevitable life processes and will be experienced by every individual. At this stage, the individual undergoes many changes, both physically, especially the setbacks in the various functions and abilities he has had, especially the function and ability of the joint. This study aims to determine the Difference of Flexibility Joints Before and After Doing Joint Motion Training In Elderly at Posyandu Permadi RW 02 Village Tlogomas Malang.The design used in this study is quasi experimental that is by describing a problem with the distribution. Population as much as 50 elderly with purposive sampling sampling counted 30 elderly. The results of the study were 5 elderly people who had limited physical movement and weakness 3 people did not follow gymnastics activity every day and did not do the exercises to improve the situation, 2 people who are less able to do physical exercise or sport because of illness and weakness. The results of statistical tests note that the p-value of 0.0001 (α <0,05), meaning the hypothesis accepted. The conclusion of this research is the difference of motion ability of joints before and after doing joint motion training at Posyandu Elderly Permadi RW 02 Tlogomas Malang. The next research recommendation is still need to do further research by comparing the difference of flexibility of elderly joints in Posyandu Permadi by taking population and larger sample with more developed variables

Keywords : Flexibility Joints; Joint Motion Exercise; Elderly.


Fleksibilitas Sendi; Latihan Gerak Sendi; Lansia.


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