Priyo Sasmito, Tanto Hariyanto, Erlisa Candrawati


Pada umumnya gejala autisme mulai muncul sebelum usia 3 tahun dan di tandai kegagalan dalam perkembangan bahasa serta kegagalan dalam menjalin Hubungan dengan orang tuanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan peran perawatan keluarga terhadap kemajuan terapi anak autis di Behavioral Therapy Center Malang. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel secara total sampling sebanyak 10 responden. Hasil penelitian didapatkan sebanyak 70% responden menunjukkan ada hubungan yang baik antara peran perawatan keluarga dengan kemajuan terapi pada anak autis. Hasil uji statistik diketahui bahwa nilai p-value sebesar 0,046 (α < 0,05) r = 0,351 artinya ada hubungan peran keperawatan keluarga terhadap kemajuan terapi anak autis di Behavioral Therapy Center Malang. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah adanya ada hubungan peran keperawatan keluarga terhadap kemajuan terapi anak autis di Behavioral Therapy Center Malang. Peran keluarga lebih diutamakan dalam kemajuan terapi pada anak autis.


In general, symptoms of autism begin to appear before the age of 3 years and are marked failure in language development and failure to establish relationships with their parents. This study aims to determine the relationship of the role of family care to the advancement of the therapy of autistic children in the Malang Behavioral Therapy Center. The design used in this study is a correlation with a cross sectional approach. The total sampling was 10 respondents. The results showed that 70% of respondents indicated that there was a good relationship between the role of family care and the progress of therapy in children with autism. Statistical test results known that p-value of 0.046 (α <0.05) r = 0.351 means that there is a relationship of family nursing role towards progress in therapy of autistic children Behavioral Therapy Center Malang. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between the role of family nursing in the advancement of therapy for autistic children in the Malang Behavioral Therapy Center. The role of the family is preferred in the advancement of therapy in children with autism.

Keywords : Autism children; the role of family care.


Anak Autis; Peran Perawatan Keluarga.


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