Hidayat Hidayat, Swito Prastiwi, Tri Nurmaningsari


Depresi adalah gangguan fungsi manusia terkait dengan perasaan sedih dan gejala yang menyertainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara depresi dan pola makan remaja Kelas 3 di SMK PGRI 3 Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Spearman Rank. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa remaja kelas 3 di SMK PGRI 3 Malang dengan sampel 92 responden. Hasil analisis univariat menunjukkan bahwa 54,35% responden mengalami depresi, 67,4% responden memiliki pola makan yang kurang berdasarkan kuantitas, 66,3% memiliki pola makan yang kurang memadai berdasarkan varietas, 64,1% memiliki pola makan yang kurang berdasarkan frekuensi, 64,1% memiliki pola makan yang lebih sedikit berdasarkan pola makan total. Hasil uji bivariat Pearson product moment menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara depresi dan pola makan remaja kelas 3 di SMK PGRI 3 Malang. Berdasarkan kuantitas, variasi, frekuensi, dan pola makan total (P-value = 0,011, P-value = 0,009, Pvalue = 0,003, P-value = 0,003). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, perilaku remaja di Kelas 3 SMK PGRI 3 Malang dapat meningkatkan dan mengembangkan pengetahuan tentang hubungan antara depresi dan pola makan pada remaja dengan mencari informasi dari media internet, lembaga perlu memberikan bimbingan kepada remaja di Kelas 3 SMK PGRI 3 Malang. Disarankan bagi peneliti lebih lanjut untuk menguji hubungan antara depresi dan variabel terkait (seperti ekonomi, peran keluarga, budaya, dan faktor pribadi).


Depression is a disturbance in the function of human related to the feeling of sadness and accompanying symptoms. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between depression and eating pattern of adolescents of Class 3 at SMK PGRI 3 Malang. This study used Spearman rank. The respondents of this study were: adolescent students of Class 3 at SMK PGRI 3 Malang with sample of 92 respondents. The results of univariate analysis identified that 54.35% of respondents were depressed, 67.4% of respondents had less eating pattern based on the quantity, 66.3% had less sufficient eating pattern based on the variety, 64.1% had less eating pattern based on the frequency, 64.1 % had less eating pattern based on the total eating pattern. The results of bivariate test of Pearson product moment showed that there is a relationship between depression and eating pattern of adolescents of Class 3 at SMK PGRI 3 Malang. Based on the quantity, variety, frequency, and total eating pattern (p-value=0.011, p-value=0.009, p-value= 0.003, p-value=0.003). Based on the results of the study, the behavior of adolescents at Class 3 of SMK PGRI 3 Malang can improve and develop the knowledge about the relationship between depression and eating pattern in adolescents by seeking information from internet media, the institution needs to give guidance to the adolescents at Class 3 of SMK PGRI 3 Malang. It is suggested for further researchers to examine the relationship between depression and variables related (such as economic, role of the family, cultural, and personal factor).

Keywords : Depression; eating pattern; adolescents.


Depresi; pola makan; remaja.


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