Vinsensius Legi, Sri Umi Lestari, Ricky Indri Hapsari


This study aims to determine the effect of the application of biochar and potassium fertilizer on the increase in sweet potato yield of Antin 2 variety which was carried out in the Research Station of Brawijaya University, Jatikerto Village, Kromengan District, Malang Regency in March – July 2017.This study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD), which consists of two factors. The first factor is the application of biochar doses, namely: B0 (without biochar), B1 (with biochar at a dose of 2.5 tons / ha), B2 (with biochar at a dose of 5 tons / ha), and B3 (with biochar at a dose of 7.5 tons/ ha); The second factor is the dose of KCl, namely K0 (without KCl fertilization), K1 (KCl fertilization with a dose of 50 kg KCl / ha), K2 (KCl fertilization with a dose of 100 kg KCl / ha), and K3 (KCl fertilization with a dose of 150 kg KCl / ha).The variables observed included: the storage root numbers, fresh weight of storage root, fresh vines weight, % storage root dry matters, % dry matters of vines, storage root dry weight, vines dry weight, biomass dry weight, harves index (%), estimation of storage root yield (t/ha), and estimation of vines yield (t/ha). The results showed that giving a dose of biochar affect the storage root numbers, % storage root dry matters, storage root dry weight, and harves index (%), but did not affect the fresh weight of storage root, fres vines weight, estimation of storage root yield, and estimation of vines yield. Potassium gave effect to the storage root numbers, fresh weight of storage root, % storage root dry matters, storage root dry weight, and estimation of storage root yield, but did not affect the fresh vines weight, % dry matters of vines, harves index (%), and estimation of vines yield.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengaplikasian biochar dan pupuk kalium terhadap peningkatan hasil ubijalar Varietas Antin 2yang dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Agroteknopark Universitas Brawijaya, Desa Jatikerto, Kecamatan Kromengan, Kabupaten Malang pada Bulan Maret – Juli 2017.Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), yang terdiri dari dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah pemberian dosis biochar, yaitu: B0 (tanpa pemberian biochar), B1 (pemberian biochar dengan dosis 2,5 ton/ha), B2 (pemberian biochar dengan dosis 5 ton/ha), dan B3 (pemberian biochar dengan dosis 7,5 ton/ha); Faktor kedua adalah pemberian dosis KCl, yaitu K0 (tanpa pemupukan KCl), K1 (pemupukan KCl dengan dosis 50 kg KCl/ha), K2 (pemupukan KCl dengan dosis 100 kg KCl/ha), dan K3 (pemupukan KCl dengan dosis 150 kg KCl/ha).Variabel yang diamati meliputi : jumlah umbi/gulud, bobot segar umbi (kg/gulud), bobot segar brangkasan (kg/plot), % bobot kering umbi, % bobot kering brangkasan, bobot kering umbi (kg/gulud), bobot kering brangkasan (kg/gulud), bobot kering biomassa (kg/gulud), Indeks Panen (%), estimasi hasil umbi (t/ha), dan estimasi hasil brangkasan (t/ha).Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pemberian dosis biochar berpengaruh terhadap jumlah umbi, % bobot kering umbi, bobot kering umbi, dan indeks panen (%), namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap bobot segar umbi, bobot segar brangkasan, estimasi hasil umbi, dan estimasi hasil brangkasan. Pemberian kalium berpengaruh terhadap jumlah umbi, bobot segar umbi, % bobot kering umbi, bobot kering umbi, dan estimasi hasil umbi, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap bobot segar brangkasan, % bobot kering brangkasan, indeks panen (%), dan estimasi hasil brangkasan.


Biochar; Hasil Ubijalar; Kalium; Tanah Terdegradasi


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