
CALL FOR PAPERS 2019 Jurnal eUREKA ( e-ISSN: 2548-771X ) eUREKA is a scientific publication/ journal for college students that publishes articles in the field of Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering, Engineering education and learning. Chemical Engineering including : bioenergy processing, environmental engineering, natural resource management, Heat and Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Designing tools and chemical processes, Chemical industry process, Computing and modeling (simulation) process, Particle and nano technology, membrane technology, esessential oil technology, and phytopharmaca, etc. Civil Engineering including : technology of construction materials, transportation system, environmental layout, concrete and wood structures, steel construction, bridge and dam construction, management of water resources and Hydrology, earthquake engineering, sanitation systems and urban drainage It is a journal to encourage research publication to research college student engaged in their respective field. The accepted manuscripts are the papers written as study or research results that previously have never been published. eUREKA is published twice a year on Juni and December by Engineering Faculty of Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang. Therefore, eUREKA journal invites the authors to submit the article based on the following schedule: Volume 3 and Number 1 edition Juni 2019 Deadline 5 Mei 2019. Publish December 2019. Author Fees This journal charges the following author fees : Article Publication: 200.000 (IDR) After registrasion, please confirm to redacture at [email protected] / [email protected] by attaching mobile phone number or contact Editor-in-Chief via WhatsApp +6285797094724

CALL FOR PAPERS: eUREKA Volume 2 and Number 2 edition Juli - December 2018

Jurnal eUREKA ( e-ISSN: 2548-771X )

eUREKA is a scientific publication/ journal for college students that publishes articles in the field of Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering, Engineering education and learning.

Chemical Engineering including : bioenergy processing, environmental engineering, natural resource management, Heat and Mass Transfer,
Chemical Reaction, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Designing tools and chemical processes, Chemical industry process, Computing and modeling (simulation) process, Particle and nano technology, membrane technology, esessential oil technology, and phytopharmaca, etc.

Civil Engineering including : technology of construction materials, transportation system, environmental layout, concrete and wood structures, steel construction, bridge and dam construction, management of water resources and Hydrology, earthquake engineering, sanitation systems and urban drainage
Therefore, eUREKA journal invites the authors to submit the article based on the following schedule:

Volume 2 and Number 2 edition Juli - December 2018
Deadline 30 Nopember 2018
Publish December 2018

Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees :
Article Publication: 200.000 (IDR)

After registrasion, please confirm to redacture at [email protected] / [email protected] by attaching mobile phone number or contact Editor-in-Chief via WhatsApp +6285797094724
Posted: 2018-07-11 More...