Analisa Tingkat Pelayanan Lalu Lintas Simpang Lima Pada Ruas Jalan Tunggulwulung Kecamatan Lowokwaru Kota Malang
Kata kunci : Kapasitas jalan, LHR, Lalu lintas.
Malang City is the second largest city in East Java Province with 110,06 km2 area, after Surabaya City, with population of 895,387 people (2017) with 3.9% increase every year. Population growth that continues to increase every year along must be balanced also with the improvement of adequate means of transportation so that roads do not cause obstacles and congestion. One of the areas affected by traffic growth is in Jalan Tunggulwulung Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Malang. The purpose of this research is to know some important things the characteristics, the capacity of the road, the level of road service and the last to know the capacity and the level of road service for 5 years. To obtain traffic data conducted traffic surveys. Then the data is processed so as to produce (LHR) in the first week is greater than the second week with the number of the first week 7646 smp / hour and second week 7427 smp / hour, Capacity (C) Jalan Simpang Lima Tunggulwulung in 2018 amounted to 1526, 56 smps / hour, while the prediction of capacity in the next 5 years is 1207.16 pcu / hour, the level of road service 5 years ahead L that is the condition of the stuck / low current.
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