Ozelia F. M. Morais, Swito Prastiwi, Sulasmini Sulasmini


Kesuksesan dalam organisasi merupakan salah satu faktor motivasi yang digunakan dalam menjelaskan kemampuan dan kesempatan bekerja. Kedisiplinan juga memiliki peranan yang penting untuk menunjukan sikap kepatuhan karyawan terhadap peraturan yang berlaku di dalam perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan motivasi kerja dan kedisiplinan perawat PNS di Puskesmas Dinoyo dan Puskesmas Batu. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah komparatif yang bersifat membandingkan, dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner, dan analisis yang digunakan Mann Whitne U-Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir seluruh (91,7%) perawat PNS di Puskesmas Dinoyo memiliki motivasi kerja tinggi, sedangkan di Puskesmas Kota Batu hampir seluruhnya (88,2%) motivasi kerja tinggi. Seluruhnya (100%) perawat PNS di Puskesmas Dinoyo dikategorikan memiliki tingkat disiplin tinggi, sedangkan di Puskesmas Kota Batu sebagian besar (64,7%) tingkat kedisiplinan. Hasil analisis didapatkan nilai signifikan 0,002 (p value < 0,05), sehingga H1 diterima, artinya ada perbedaan motivasi kerja dan kedisiplinan perawat PNS di Puskesmas Dinoyo dan Puskesmas Batu. Pihak Puskesmas perlu meningkatkan motivasi kepada perawat dengan memberikan pujian apabila perawat berhasil mengerjakan tugasnya, memperhatikan kebutuhan perawat (misalnya jam istirahat/pergantian shif harus tepat sesuai jadwal yang ditentukan oleh pihak Puskesmas.


Success in the organization is one of the motivating factors used in explaining the ability and the opportunity to work. Discipline also has an important role to show the attitude of employee compliance with regulations that apply within the company. The purpose of this study was to identify differences in work motivation and discipline of civil servant nurses at Dinoyo Puskesmas and Batu Puskesmas. The research design used is comparative compare, using cross sectional approach. The population in this study are all nurses of civil servants at Dinoyo Community Health Center as many as 12 people and Batu Puskesmas 17 people with a total of 29 people and sampling technique using saturated sampling. The research instrument used a questionnaire, and the analysis used Mann Whitne U-Test. The results showed that almost all (91.7%) of PNS nurses at Puskesmas Dinoyo had high work motivation, while in Puskesmas Kota Batu almost (88.2%) work motivation was high. All (100%) of PNS caregivers in Puskesmas Dinoyo are categorized as having high discipline level, while in Puskesmas Kota Batu most (64.7%) discipline level. The result of analysis got significant value 0.002 (p value <0.05), so H1 accepted, meaning there is difference of work motivation and discipline of nurse of PNS at Dinoyo Public Health Center and Puskesmas Batu. The Puskesmas need to increase the motivation to the nurse by giving praise if the nurse succeeded in performing his duties, paying attention to the nurse's needs (eg rest period / shif change must be exact according to schedule determined by the Puskesmas.

Keywords : Work discipline; work motivation; nurse of civil servant.


Kedisiplinan kerja; motivasi kerja; perawat PNS.

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