Gouty arthritis or gout is a disease caused by the accumulation of crystals and causes pain, joint damage, joints can lose its function so that medical treatment is needed pharmacologically or nonpharmacologically. Non-pharmacological therapies that are known to be beneficial for gout arthritis pain are warm compresses of red ginger and salt. Red Ginger has a spicy, warm taste and contains gingerol, flying oil, limonene, acid aspartic which inhibits the appearance of pain and salt containing potassium, sodium, and iodine which will contract muscles and suppress pain inplus. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of a combination of warm compresses of red ginger and salt on joint pain in patients with Gout Arthritis in Merjosari Village, Lowokwaru District, Malang. The research design used was pre experimental with one group pre-post test design. The sampling technique uses cluster sampling with a sample of 57 respondents. Data collection uses observation sheets (Numerical Rating Scale). Data analysis using Wilcoxon test (p-value = 0.05). The results of this study found that pain before intervention was at a median of 7 (4-9) and after being given pain intervention was at a median of 4 (= 2-7) so, warm compresses of red ginger and salt were effective in reducing joint pain in patients with gouty arthritis in the Kelurahan Merjosari Malang Lowokwaru District (p-value = 0,000).Warm compresses of red ginger and salt can be an alternative complementary therapy in dealing with pain in patients with gout arthritis. Further researchers can examine the effect between red ginger and salt which is more effective against gouty arthritis pain.
Keywords: Gouty Arthritis, Compresses, Ginger, Salt, and Joint Pain
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