Sex education is a way of teaching that can help adolescents to deal with life problems which originate by sexual drive. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health education on the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about free sex at Sunan Giri junior hish School Malang. This research design used pre-experimental design with one group pre-test post test. The population in this study were students who belonged to the group of early adolescents aged 10-13 and the group of adolescents late 14-16 years,in class VIII as many as 40 students in Sunan Giri Junior High School Malang, with total sampling technique. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The analysis used paired t test with used by SPSS 16. The results of the study revealed that before health education about free sex nearly half 19 people (47.5%) were categorized as poor, after health education almost 39 people (97.5%) were categorized as good. Respondents' attitude before health education about free sex ware almost entirely 33 people (82.5%) categorized as strongly disagree about free sex, all 40 people (100%) were very disagree towards free sex. This means that there is an influence of health education on knowledge 0.000 (p value ≤ 0.05) with the value of tcount ≥ ttable(13.707 ≥1.684) and attitude 0.000 p value ≤ 0.05) with the value of tcount ≥ ttable (12.178 ≥1.684) teenagers about free sex at Sunan Giri Junior Hish School Malang. Was expected that adolescents can increase their reading intention and utilize technology development positively so that they can access health education about free sex from various online media in order to avoid free sex that can have an adverse impact on the individual.
Keywords: Health Education; Knowledge; Attitude; Free sex
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