Heart disease is a serious problem, sufferers usually experience symptoms such as chest pain and fatigue easily, thus affecting the optimal working of the heart to distribute oxygen in the blood. Doing heart exercises can increase cardiac output, widen blood vessel diameter, increase blood and oxygen distribution to the parts of the body that need it. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of heart gymnastics on oxygen saturation levels in blood in healthy heart gymnastic participants at Muhammadiyah Hospital Malang. The study design uses a pre-experimental design in the field with one-group pre-post test design design. The population in this study was 42 people with the determination of the study sample using purposive sampling so that the study sample was obtained as many as 30 people. The instrument was in the form of an observation sheet. Data analysis method used is paired t test using SPSS. The results of the study showed that before doing cardiac exercises most of the 16 (53.3%) healthy heart gymnastic participants experienced low levels of oxygen saturation in blood and after doing heart gymnastics, all 30 (100%) healthy heart gymnastics participants experienced oxygen saturation levels in normal blood. Paired t test results obtained p value = (0,000) <(0.050) so that it can be concluded that there is an effect of heart gymnastics on the level of oxygen saturation in the blood of healthy heart gymnastic participants at Muhammadiyah Hospital Malang. Recommendations Researchers further determine oxygen saturation levels after performing heart exercises more than 2 times and involving the control group as a comparison.
Keywords: Blood Oxygen Saturation Levels, Exercise, Healthy Heart
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