Hemodialysis (HD) incidence is a serious problem in the world of health. Estimates of the Nephrology Association (Kidney and Hypertension) in Indonesia report annually there are 200,000 new cases of end-stage renal failure and require dialysis of up to 150,000 people. The impact of an increase in patients undergoing HD is anxiety, and what can be done to overcome this anxiety is by deep breathing relaxation. This study aims to determine the effect of deep breath relaxation on the anxiety level of Av.Shunt insertion in HD patients in the Hemodialisa room of Panti Nirmala Hospital Malang. This research uses one group pre-post test design. Number of samples 30 people from 35 population of patients who did HD with insertion of Av.Shunt at RSPN Malang from January to March 2017. The sample size of 30 people will be divided into 2 groups of 15 people for the treatment group and 15 people for the control group, with Simple random sampling technique. Data analysis using t-Test statistic test, with significant level 0.05. Before doing relaxation breath therapy in was found that from 15 respondents there are 60% experienced moderate anxiety, and after doing relaxation breath therapy in 80% obtained anxious lighter. The result of bivariate analysis shows P-value = 0.000 <0.05, then HI is accepted, meaning that there is influence of deep breath relaxation to anxiety level of HD patient. It is recommended for RS Panti Nirmala Malang for SOP is really applied in HD room and for the next researcher to be able to examine family support factor and HD environmental factor to HD patien anxiety level.
Keywords : Hemodialysis; anxiety; relaxation breath in.
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