Analisa Tingkat Pelayanan Pada Ruas Jalan Kalipare-Donomulyo Kecamatan Kalipare Kabupaten Malang
Kata Kunci : Analisa, Tingkat Pelayan, Drainase.
On the road of kalipare there are many obstacles aside, the less work properly, this can lead to congestion or memperlamat the society activities with one another, on the other hand the road kalipare is the way to the tourist district of Blitar Regency and Wonogiri and regional health workforce form the farm as seen from the large number of plant tebuh, sweet and others. The purpose of this research is to know the characteristics, level of service and traffic channel dimensions on Kalipare roads-Donomulyo Malang. Survey method using Data capture with Manual Methods based on the capacity of the road 1987, based on the book the urban drainage (suripin 2004). The results of the analysis of the situation on the roads Kalipare-Kalipare Sub Donomulyo, Malang has a characteristic peak hour volume of daily traffic Averages – average (LHR) in the first week of May 28, 2018 to 3 June 2018 is smaller than the second week 4 June to 10 June 2018 2018 by the number of weeks the first junior high school 30394.2/hour and the second week of 32187.2 junior high school. Based on the survey results and analysis of the situation to the level of service on the Roads Kalipare-Donomulyo Subdistrict Kalipare Malang at peak hours is by tingakat Ministry F > 1. Where the calculation results of Ds = Q/C obtained Q (Traffic Volume in the junior high/hour) = 2450.9/junior, and capacity (C in junior/hour) = 1561.1. Based on the results of the analysis of the calculation of water discharge channel (Q) = 0.171 m3/sec then it can be known i.e. channels dimensions with a height of 0.28 m and width channels channel 0.55 m.
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