Syaifullah Syaifullah, Suhudi Suhudi, Nawir Rasidi


Soil as construction material as well as the foundation of a construction land or structures such as dams, embankments, retaining walls, buildings and bridges. In every construction requires a specific requirement in terms of both strength and economically. This study aimed to analyze and plan for a stable retaining wall on the stability of the shift, the overthrow and the carrying capacity by using Gravity Type On Roads Ngantang Locations in Malang. Calculation of earth pressure calculated using Rankine theory.
Stability Analysis Results Retaining Walls with Gravity Type Dimensions: Width top (B1) 0.50 m, base width (B2) of 2.00 m and a total height (H + D) 14.00 m, which then did not secure the stability of the overthrow ( 0.4 <1.5) and the stability of the shift (1.1 <1.5). Then the researchers are planning back Retaining Walls with a total height of 13.00 m, a width of over 0.5 m, width 4.00 m with a length below 30 m. Then the dimension of the retaining wall is stable against the overthrow of stability (2.8> 1.5) and was stable against shear stability (4.8> 1.5).
Results Budget Plan (RAB) in the calculation of total fees earned USD 839 855 542, the cost of any work (m3) Rp 1,566,164.181, job retention costs (m') USD 27,995,184.73.

Keywords: Analysis, Dimensional, Gravity Type Retaining Walls

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