Adolescence sexual behavior can occur in working mothers and mothers do not work. Working mothers tend to behave negatively because mothers have little time to interact, educate and guide, so that adolescents have knowledge of inadequate sexual behavior, while adolescent sexual behavior in mothers does not work can be controlled, because mothers have enough time to interact and educate sexual behavior so adolescents can maintain reproductive health by not having free sex. The purpose of the study was to determine differences in sexual behavior in adolescents with working mothers and mothers not working at SMAN 07 Malang. The design of study is comparative. The research sample technique used total sampling totaling 38 respondents into two groups, namely teenagers in working mothers and mothers not working at SMAN 07 Malang. Data collection using questionnaires and analysis of research results using Mann Whitney test. The results showed 15 working mothers (78.9%) deviated mild sexual behavior, 11 adolescents (57.9%) deviated sexual behavior and as many as 15 adolescents (78.9%) did not deviate heavily sexual behavior, while mothers did not work as many as 13 adolescents (68.4%) mild sexual behavior did not deviate, as many as 16 adolescents (84.2%) had moderate sexual behavior and overall adolescents (100%) had severe sexual behavior did not deviate. The results of data analysis using the Mann Whitney test prove that there are differences in adolescent sexual behavior in working mothers and mothers not working in SMAN 07 Malang obtained p = (0.001) <(0.050).
Keywords: Adolescence; mother works; mother not work; sexual behavior.
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