
Plagiarism is an activity that involves "the use or imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's original work."

All articles published by the Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik must be plagiarism-free. So, articles submitted to this journal will undergo a comprehensive plagiarism check using the Turnitin tool, and/or authors will be asked to provide evidence that they are not plagiarizing.

The levels of plagiarism used in JISIP and how JISIP editors act are explained as follows:

  • Minor: A short section of another article is plagiarized without significant data or ideas from another paper. The editor will be sent a warning and asked to revise the text, ensuring proper citation of the original article.
  • Intermediate: Most papers are plagiarized without appropriate citations to the original paper. The editor will send an approval email, and the author is prohibited from submitting further articles for one year.
  • Heavy: This plagiarism means that most articles are plagiarized, containing reproductions of original results or ideas from other publications. The editor will reject the manuscript, warn the author, and request that he be prohibited from submitting further articles for five years.

If a second case of plagiarism occurs by the same author, the Editorial Board will decide on legal enforcement action. The author is prohibited from submitting further articles permanently.

Self Plagiarism

This policy also applies to material produced from other publications by the same author. Authors should identify and refer to previously published material. In the case of self-plagiarism, the severity of the act is determined by the extent of the overlap and can range from light plagiarism to heavy plagiarism.

If a manuscript submitted to the Journal of Social and Political Sciences (JISIP) shows significant overlap with a manuscript submitted to another journal simultaneously, the editor will notify the other journal, considering the case as serious plagiarism. Different levels of overlap are determined, and appropriate actions are taken accordingly.

Authors are permitted to use material from unpublished presentations in subsequent journal publications. In case of original publication in another language, appropriate references and permission are required.


Plagiarism damages the integrity of scientific work. Authors are reminded to uphold the highest ethical standards and to give appropriate credit to the work of others. Proper citing practices, complying with copyright laws, and obtaining necessary permissions are essential. Editors and reviewers take great care in detecting and dealing with plagiarism, ensuring that this journal maintains the credibility and originality of published content.

This policy is a commitment of the Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and encourage ethical practices in scientific research.