Journal Title : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (JISIP)
Publisher : Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University, Indonesia
E-ISSN : 2442-6962
DOI : 10.33366/jisip
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik is an academic journal published by the Unitri Press and Managed by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik is accredited with SINTA 4 from Vol 10 (2) 2021 to Vol 15 (1) 2026 (No. 0187/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023, March 12, 2023).
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik is published three times a year (April, August, and December). The article published in Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik is based on the results of research (priority) and articles on scientific reviews of contemporary phenomena in Social and Political Science, Communication Science, Public Administration, Social Science, and Government Science. Internal and external editors and reviewers will review articles when they are received. Each article entered in this journal will be sent to the editor's section through the Initial Review process. After that, the articles will be sent to peer reviewers to get the Double-Blind Peer Review Process. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik will publish papers chosen under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Publishing Information for 2024-2025 |
Dear Author(s):
2. Journal of Social and Political Sciences (JISIP) starting Vol 13 No 3 (December 2024) will prioritize articles in English, but we will still accept articles in Indonesian. If your article is in Indonesian and requires assistance with translation into English, please contact us for information regarding translation costs. 3. We open opportunities for researchers, lecturers and practitioners to become editors and reviewers with the following qualifications: having a Scopus ID and/or WoS ID or those of you who have affiliates from outside Indonesia. Editor and Reviewer registration can be done via this link. |
Posted: 2024-06-20 | |
Vol 13, No 2 (2024)
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (JISIP) Vol 13 No 2 (2024) is published with 16 articles, 42 authors consisting of 14 universities / institutions in Indonesia, namely:
Universitas Islam Riau, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Universitas Diponegoro, Sekolah Tinggi Intelijen Negara, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Universitas Darul ‘Ulum, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Tulungagung, Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Merdeka Madiun, Litbang Kompas, Universitas Andalas, and Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara.
Table of Contents
Ema Fitri Lubis, Rio Sundari, Rosmayani Rosmayani, Zilfi Purnama Rahmi |
pp. 193-201
Baresa Margi Mukti, Merry Fridha Tripalupi, Teguh Priyo Sadono |
pp. 202-215
Rajendra Walad Jihad, Yuwanto Yuwanto, Nunik Retno Herawati |
pp. 216-231
Rizki Insani, Sundawan Salya, Pratama Dahlian Persadha |
pp. 232-244
Rizkyagi Aanwijzi |
pp. 245-259
Rizki Yudha Meidiantara, Budi Prasetyono, Supriadi Supriadi |
pp. 260-280
Syadwina Daniar, Rosyidatuzzahro Anisyukurlillah, Endik Hidayat |
pp. 281-290
Firda Amalia, Nieke Rudyanty Winanda |
pp. 291-301
Subrantas Ifantri, Diva Zaidan Patria Kumara |
pp. 302-312
Laily Purnawati, Fathul Qorib |
pp. 313-324
Vivin Septiani Jatmiko, Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina |
pp. 325-340
Jayadi Jayadi, Maria Magdalena Widiantari, Zulin Nurchayati, Endang Murti |
pp. 341-349
Syahdino Pratama, Satriani Aga Pasma, Mokhamad Hendayun, Isroil Samihardjo |
pp. 350-363
Vincentius Gitiyarko Priyatno |
pp. 364-374
Engga Lift Irwanto, Roni Ekha Putera, Ria Ariany |
pp. 375-388
Ade Kurniawan, Yose Rizal Saragih |
pp. 389-401